Joint investing account for me and my son

Dear community,

My 14 years old son is motived to invest his money and understand the magic behind.

What would be the best approach / platform to start in investing a small amounts of money with him ?

Ideally the broker should not jeopardize his gains with overrated fees as he will not invest thousands of francs.

From my side, I will probably use this opportunity to invest in some ETF.

Thanks for your advices.

Hi there

For smaller amounts with investments like one / two times a year: The easiest way IMHO is to just open an account in your name at a cheap broker (IBKR or Degior) and then track your / your sons asset via an external tool / spreadsheet (e.g. or a google sheet).

Or if you’d like to have everything officially segregated you can open a sub account, e.g. at IBKR: Adding Sub Accounts

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