Is there any option for a card that doesn’t charge fees on withdrawals abroad (and outside eurozone)?

For the travelers among us, what do you use to withdraw cash abroad?

Wise is very limited (max 200.- and 2 withdrawals, after that it’s 0.50 + 1.75%), neon charges 1.50%, I’m not mentioning the “regular” banks.

Countries outside the eurozone don’t accept card as readily and so you need cash. But at 1.75%, it’s quite wasteful.

I don’t want anything to do with revolut.

Are there any cards here that don’t charge fees for this?

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Revolut with a premium subscription.


Or just Revolut in general.


DKB with an active status, but you have to charge it with EUR, so two currency conversions if withdrawing not in EUR.

And I am not sure that countries outside of Eurozone still that bad on card payments. There was COVID, and there are also many options for accepting card payments now.

Or maybe Lightning Bitcoin or USDT. Any experience anyone?


I forgot to add: I don’t want anything to do with revolut. The CEO is a world class asshole and I don’t want to deal with their crappy customer service.


I’m going to Bosnia soon and every accommodation I booked only takes cash. Restaurants seem to be ok with cards. Activities I don’t know.

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It depends.

I still remember Brazil: Small street vendor pushing his manual pushcart along length of the beach. Loudly shouting and offering freshly mixed cocktails to beachgoers. Not at the sea, no, literally in it, with the water gently lapping around his ankles (which does make sense once you recall that wet sand is much easier to walk and push carts on than dry sand).

You ordered your Caipirinha or something, and he was mixing it for you. „Debito or Credito?“ - and you payed by tapping your card on his little cellular-enabled payment terminal.

And that was a couple years ago.


Wise, but only up to 200 EUR worth per month.

Wenn deine Karte in Europa oder Großbritannien ausgestellt wurde: Du kannst kostenlos zweimal pro Monat Geld abheben – für jede weitere Abhebung berechnen wir eine Gebühr von 0,50 GBP/EUR. Es gibt außerdem einen monatlichen Freibetrag von 200 GBP/EUR für Abhebungen – wenn du mehr als diesen Betrag abhebst, berechnen wir dir auf alles weitere abgehobene Geld eine Gebühr von 1,75%.

DM for referral

I was living there 7 years ago and they had the same on the streets of Sao Paolo

I’ve experienced street market stalls in Sao Paulo accepting credit card payments back in 2003, to my big surprise ! :scream:

The trick of skipping technological generations, remember?

If you’re going to Bosnia just bring CHF, go to the town square and look for some old guys sitting around and hand them your CHF, and they will give you marks. Did it last week and the rate is good. 1 CHF = 2 Mark.

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In fact they are accepting credit cards since long long time. Due to security reasons, nobody has/use cash.

If you have CHF and want to withdraw in another currency, especially not in EUR, I think Neon is the best deal. The free account charge 1.5% yes but it’s including the exchange fee unless all other offers. If you plan to withdraw more than 1000frs per month on average, get Neon Metal, you will even save a bit more then (15frs per month for free worldwide withdrawal and still interbanks-like exchange rate).

PostFinance use to have, maybe they still have, an account for 15frs per month that allow “free” withdrawal worldwide, I used it in China long time ago, you can even get rid of the 15frs/month if you hold enough money on your account at all time. BUT you will get crushed much more than 1.5% on currency exchange, so it’s not worth it anyway.

Someone mentioned Bitcoin Lightning (or Bitcoin on chain for large amount it’s still lower than bank fee), that’s the best to get rid of middlemen, banks and government all at once. Of course the person must be willing to accept it and you will need to find a way to earn Bitcoin in the first place or have some from long time ago that did strengthen since purchase, otherwise it will cost you probably close to 1.5% (or more) to get them in the first place.