I don’t think it’s an experiment, don’t forget it evolved from basically rating the fuckability of other students, to marketing…anything…but I do think it’s harmful for both humanity (reduction in attention span, psychological issues you mentioned) and democracy (manipulated algorithms just playing what whoever programs them wants etc).
I don’t think it’ll be the downfall of humanity and even more personally I don’t care because I don’t believe in a higher purpose, intelligent design, or grand plan. I just care for the “common good” and people achieving a pursuit of happiness with no expense to others’ happiness or freedom, and more than anything care about my kids, family and friends. We’re just a species that succeeded more than any other, eventually we’ll die out or evolve into something else, like any other species. There are many other things I consider far worse poisons than social media, like religion. If the monetization of data gets regulated in some way I’ll be less worried about it, but ultimately don’t really care. I’ll ride my motorcycle, Elon Musk can’t turn that off like he can the Teslas of his followers.
Food for thought/question: can a Tesla owner fully operate the vehicle manually (override all internal controls) in any way or is everything electronic and connected to the internet. And if not, do you REALLY own the vehicle? Thinking about vehicles: you used to pay your money and get a vehicle and a key, after that you’re on your own, can modify it (and the vehicle doesn’t know, and can’t tell anybody), can start and stop and unlock and lock it whenever you want, and nobody else can. Basically it was your property to do so as you wish, and had no say on it, or external control. I remember reading Ramzan Kadyrov’s gifted Cybertruck being switched off and thought “Haha, idiot” and a split second later “So this can probably happen on any Tesla?” (if this story is even true).
Has there been any legal thinking or any assurances preventing someone (e.g., people who don’t like democracy cough Trump cough Musk) to hack a Tesla and make it lock you in and drive you to somewhere they want, or stop working, or firing up errors requiring servicing or basically preventing YOU to use your PROPERTY as you wish? How about the possibility of a social credit system in which an external party hacks your phone, your home, your car, your news, your friends, your whole digital reality? It’s really not science fiction at this point in time and I am not a conspiracy theorist at all. I think strong regulation needs to be developed to protect basic human rights and prevent the weaponization of our data against us, I think FAR clearer explanation is needed of what the cost of data to look at food, tits and assess on instagram is. When I buy a loaf of bread I pay my CHF3.95 in Coop and that’s it, I pay no more over time. With our data it’s one click and it’s sold, and will be used, and reused, and reused ad nauseum while not providing me with more of what I clicked originally. Many questions, I’m not capable to give the answers, just to live my life and help my loved ones as best as I can.
Ultimately, sooner or later LLMs will incorporate the whole human knowledge which has ever been digitized in any way, and possibly we really won’t know what’s true or not according to what our computers tell us, other than the smell our shit in the morning.
Immanuel Kant wrote about reality and perception, to the extent I can understand him I’m aligned.