Investment mistakes

Following a list of some common [maybe just so-called for some] investment mistakes.

POLL: Which ones are you going to focus on, if any, next year?

Feel free to discuss, add opinions etc!

  • Not being invested [enough]
  • No [clear] strategy
  • Misunderstanding true risk tolerance
  • Not enough diversification
  • Too high costs
  • Active management
  • Timing the market
  • Chasing performance
  • No rebalancing
  • Too much turnover
  • Too emotional
  • Not enough due diligence
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The option “all of the above” is missing :joy:


I accept I’m gonna do all of them again.

The question is a bit odd - “to focus on” as in do it the most? :grin:

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I believe not understand risk tolerance is something I often think about. I don’t know how to measure it or understand it unless it actually happens

I am pretty sure that the ratio of your net worth to your annual income is a large factor that should be considered while thinking about risk tolerance. No one can truly imagine the pain of seeing your hard earned portfolio becoming half unless you have actually experienced it.

For example -: if annual income is 100K . Portfolio is 50K then even a 40% crash might not feel that bad

But if annual income is 100K, Portfolio is 500K, a 40% crash can be seriously demoralising. Specially because this would come at a later stage in life


Sir, I’d like to have a word with you:

(also, “Passive Investing Only” is missing from this list)


Edit: In earnest, “Chasing Yield” would be the one that I would check.


Missing reply:

I am already on autopilot, nothing to focus on

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And you would list that option as an investment mistake …?

More frugality, less consumerism


stock picking

It misses the option: “none of the above” I’m already happy with my current strategy