Thanks for your open answers.
Diversification isn’t a function of the number of funds we have in our portfolio but of the underlying assets. VT has global diversification, including EM and small caps. It’s possible to apply a tilt to it but you would need to know the reason why you are doing it for it to make sense.
As it happens, your VEU+VXUS+VOO+VIOO+VB+VYMI+VEA+VWO are basically VT (that is, all-world, all-cap), with even pretty close weighting.
Currently, the ETFs part of your stocks is roughly 65% VT equivalent with:
~18% dividends bia
~15% Asia bia
~5% Swiss bia
~3% EM bia
~1% US Airlines bia
~1% small cap value bia
I would follow @nabalzbhf’s advice and consolidate it all into VT or an equivalent of your choice.
If you want to allocate your holdings differently through your accounts for tax purposes, you can explore the work made by @Dr.PI on the topic. I’m linking a recent message but the whole thread is worth reading: Splitting the world: creating tax-advantaged global stocks portfolio using funds in 3a account - #17 by Dr.PI?
Globally, you seem to be invested 70% in agressive assets (stocks + part of the real estate, not counting the crypto) and 30% in defensive ones (bonds, 2nd pillar, part of the real estate and cash). You say you are a risk averse person. Were you fine with the behavior of your investments in 2016, 2020 and 2022?
I may be wrong but reading you, I also feel some form of anchoring bia, as you seem to be affected by the past performance of your assets irrespective of a more fundamental thesis for them. This would apply to the Asia ETFs and potentially the 500k RSUs you are planning to keep. It doesn’t require immediate action but it is possible that, while liquidating your RSU’s, you realize that your other assets can do well as well and you are not so attached to them in the end, in which case, I would not resist it and liquidate the last 500k too (which is what I would do myself).
In your situation, I would buy a home only if I really liked it and not for practical purposes only. You may grow into it and decide to stay there on the longer term. Otherwise, a 5 years window seems too short to me for a real estate purchase and you expose yourself to some amount of stress if you want to move out.
That’s not financial advice but I’ve been close to there. Walking helps me to go outside and clear my mind. Even a 5 minutes walk in town/in the city helps as it piles on small but consistent steps toward activity and clarity of mind.
Take heart and take care.