IKEA Family Credit Card

Looks like the cash back expires after 6 month. I’m not sure it’s such a good deal then.

My next question might be the important one:
Does Cembra has terms that don’t allow me to have the CC and not use it for a long time? It might be a good idea to have it and just use for booking flights. Even if you won’t buy anything at Ikea, you won’t lose that much of a deal but still get a free insurance. As long as the insurance costs more than the Ikea bonus you lose it might be a good idea.

Me again.
From time to time I check CC offers, like this one of Cembra/IKEA.
As usual I’m disappointed by Cembra’s “confusopoly”.

Try to find more information about the Insurances they offer with that CC. I’ve found a link on their PDF about costs and of course it doesn’t work.

In the modern world can be considered unprofessional or is just the new way of business, hide and hope?


IKEA online customer service confirmed to me today in writing the validity period on IKEA gift cards that are given as a reward is now 10 years.

There is a 100CHF credit being offered for applications received by 31.12.2023

I took out the card to use alongside Cashback AMEX.


I don’t think it is anything to take seriously:

Unser Ferienangebot:
Diesen Sommer bezahlen Sie keine zusätzlichen Gebühren im Ausland. Ab dem 01. Juli 2024 werden Ihnen bis zum 31. August 2024 keine Fremd­währungs­gebühren verrechnet – Sie sparen also bei jeder Transaktion 1.5%! Dies gilt auch für Online-Einkäufe in Fremdwährung.

Wechselkurs-Aufschlag 2.124% beträgt der durchschnittliche Aufschlag des EUR/CHF-Kurses gegenüber dem Interbankenkurs gemäss den letzten Stichtagen von moneyland.ch.


I take them seriously only to book my holidays.
Here is a link at the pdf I was mentioning a while ago:
Here is the part I care (note: only the first one is important, the second one is similar to my health insurance)

I did my calculation for simple holidays. I must re-check again if the additional costs makes sense
(1000 chf holidays costs 15 chf more with this card or what?)

The bonus of 100 CHF is available again with the IKEA Family Credit Card for the new subscribers. @Barto did it work for you?