I have 2/3 on my stocks in mutual funds (high manage fee), and 1/3 in 3rd pillar VIAC global 100. I have scheduled transactions to VIAC every month.
I would like to increase my exposure to world market by a periodical invesment in one total market ETF. Prob I should invest in more than just one ETF. But I would like to start simple, and don’t delay it any more. I have in mind doing it for quite a long time. I could optimize it over the time.
Based on fees and taxes, is it still today Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF the best option?
I have Interactive Brokers account, but I have just invested only in some small cap companies by my cherry picking. I have not invested ever directly in a ETF.
Due to the fees make sense to invest in a ETF every month? or maybe in order to reduce the impact of the buying fees I should save for a few months and invest only every quarter? What is the minimal amount in CHF that makes sense to invest in this ETF at once?
It is not a simple task investing by passive investing. There are so many ETFs. From outside it looks very easy, til u need to choose what ETFs to include.
It seems to me that currency exchange thru IB is so cheap that there is a not big gain by investing in ETF with CHF currency.
I see VWRA has an accumulating distribution. As I am a tax resident in Switzerland prob this is not very relevant, but maybe someday I will move to a country with dividend tax. So for future simplicity prob it is better to choose an accumulating one.
I see VWRA has a 0.22% TER. Is a TER of 0.22% really a cheap one?
I just want to start simple, i will learn more about ETFs in future, so I could optimize my portfolio with my future monthly contributions. I just need to configure a good enough passive portfolio foundation.
True, I thought that the buy/sell fees would be so significant that I must avoid it.
I found at Interactive Brokers “VWRA - VANG FTSE AW USDA - LSEETF”. Is this the right VWRA?
Even I am saving much more than that, I will start investing in VWRA like 500 CHF. Then after a few month I will decide whether increase my monthly contribution to VWRA or add new other ETFs.
Right now my knowledge of ETF is very basic. Prob after a few month I will know better what I need/want and I could customize it. I think sticking with an extended ETF as VWRA for the time being is a good idea.
In Interactive Brokers: in a 500 USD VWRA buy order preview, I have: Commission (est.) 0.35 … 5.00 USD
The range is quite wide. From 0.07% to 1%.
Is there a minimum amount in USD that makes sense to trade in IB in order not to pay excessive purchase commissions? Does 500 USD looks too little?
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