iCorner App: Scan&Pay

I have a Cornercard (Business gold; company benefit). Recently I noticed that they have a new feature called scan&pay. It is possible with that to pay QR bills with the creditcard.

Is anyone of you using it? What are the pros and cons in your opinion?

You’ll probably need to pay a fee to do it.

Seems to be 3% or 2.75% service charge (Mit Ihrer CornĂšrcard und CrediBill Ihre QR-Rechnungen bezahlen. | CornĂšrcard). So, not worth it.

Swisscard also offers this service (also with Credibill). There’s no value in it, unless you get into a tight spot and don’t have cash to pay your bills. You don’t get cashback or other rewards, plus you pay a fee on top.

Update: in the app it is stated a 1.2% fee.
Depending on your cashback (for platinum its 1.5%) and if it is qualified as a “transaction” (only then you get cashback), then you would save 0.3%.

I will check with support.

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Got a confirmation from the support that 1.2% are applied. CrediBill and Scan&Pay is not the same. Didn‘t ask further tbh, sinde I won‘t use it anyway. But cool option, anyway.

Moreover, Scan&Pay is not qualified for the Cashback program.

Last thing: the platinum card is a Visa. The gold cards (free of charge when adding up to three) are unfortunately also a Visa card. So no diversification Visa/Master.
Would be nice but could be worser. At least one card less in the wallet.