IBKR Referral Program

Hi folks

Long time reader but just registered.

Since IBKR is so widely recommended here, can anyone send me his/her referral link (as a PM) for opening up an account? Of course you must not have reached the maximum number of people you can refer.

Greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Thank you. But seems like you’re using IBKR.com. I think people from Switzerland are supposed to use IBKR.co.uk, aren’t they?

I think the guidelines are against this type of thread (the add value rule).

(I think that’s from the time when a bunch of threads started being purely used for referral, with little more added value by the new users)

No need to resort to ad hominem

(And doesn’t mean you can’t get a referral, just PM someone directly, it’s just that kind of thread quickly becomes one where bunch of people start piling on, and random people sign up just to add their code, etc)


No need to resort to playing the police either

Randomly sending PM makes total sense if you don‘t know who has an account at IBKR AND still hasn‘t referred too many people yet.

Besides that, I was only asking for a PM, not offering a link myself to make a few bucks

Welcome to the forum!

I’m sure you mean well, but maybe making yourself at home, participating a bit, get people to know you and then ask, may be a bit more succesful than barging in and demanding a referral code.
That way, finding someone to PM certainly also is less of a problem.

That said, I’m sure you did not have the intention of ‘barging in’, probably you even hesitated to post. Nabalzbhf just explained the rules here, that he didn®t make, and kindly even why they exist.
I’m sure everyone here just wants to be helpful, that is my experience at least.

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I didn’t even know there was a maximum number of referrals.

Wouldn’t it make sense to have a thread here where people can ask for refferal codes?


  • A single thread where people can ask for refferal codes
  • For what does not matter (IBKR, Saxo, Revolut etc.)
  • The refferal code must be sent via PM, not in the thread
  • The thread can then be ignored as a whole

I am rather against it. This would give that activity too much visibility. That’s not where the value of this forum lies.

At the moment the referral codes are being mostly asked in the topics devoted to specific financial products, and I prefer to keep it like this.


Also, it’s as simple as typing “IBKR” into the forum’s search box to find threads (and people) who have IBKR custody accounts. If you PM those, most will be happy to send you referral codes.

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