How to keep track of your Net worth


Looks like UBS is not willing to keep alive this feed URL, it is down since a few weeks now and was wondering if anyone already found any alternative feed URL for the CS funds?

The prices for all the CS funds in VIAC portfolios are available in Yahoo Finance.

See also my post here with a link to my blog where I describe how to gwt it into Portfolio Performance.

And also this one with a link to add price sources to Portfolio Performance in general

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Thanks for the hint. I should have specified I am looking for an XML or CSV feed which I can then more easily automatically parse with my own code.

Yahoo Finance has an API (or at least had one the last time I checked) and should have an XML feed.

Does anyone have experience with Exirio to keep track of your NW ?

I discovered it somewhere on Reddit and I love the UI and the functions but i’m a little bit scared of linking my IB account with them.

Am i right to be careful or is it just my Swissness who comes out and should give it a try ?

There was a CSV alternative shortly, but seems to be broken now :frowning:.
It is being discussed here: Historische Kurse von VIAC - #134 by Rafa - Kurse - Portfolio Performance Forum

Thank you that’s exactly what I was looking for. Too bad new new URL is already not working… For reference the new URL now looks something like that (replace the ISIN with the one you are interested in):

If you use google sheets, you can use muFunds plugin and ISiN of the fund to get value.

Doesn’t work for me. Installed the plugin and tried it with “=muFunds(nav,CH0429081620,morningstar-ch)” and just get an error.

Edit: Lol nevermind, got it working with “xyz”.
Edit2: Wow this is great :smiley:

Great find! I started to use it.

One question, how do you get a csv of your transactions from IB to enter into Exirio?

Really liked the solution since there are random things that I like to track like watches, bonds that aren’t listed, etc and I liked the flexible to input “current value”

You probably solved it already but for others that follow this thread, use

=VALUE(muFunds(“nav”, $F2))
Where F2 contains ISIN

If you are using Morningstar ID of the fund then you use ‘morningstar-ch’ in the query as you did. But I found that to be finicky and throwing errors frequently.

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Answering the original question:

I’m lazy and boring.
So I just make my yearly tax return - and then add the balance of my retirement accounts.

(I actually haven’t found a convenient and easy-to-use portfolio tracking tool that would let me track at least my IBKR account completely. My canton’s tax software seems almost the easiest one)

Parqet may do what you want. You can import ibkr data that you create with a flex query. They have a tutorial how to do it and once set up, it‘s just a few clicks to export and then import the data.

Most recent one I tried.
Felt quite convenient and nicely designed.

Failed to import some Japanese stocks - one of which that seems to be a constituent of the MSCI Japan Index (which I could add manually - but they don’t provide any price updates since 2022).

How relaxed are other people about, during plugin installation, clicking yes to “this plugin can read all your google sheets, change them all and delete them all”?

I just don’t feel “safe enough” to do that.
Firstly I have a personal data (yes, I know google is reading it) which I like to limit spread of, and secondly I don’t like the possibility of it all being gone.
Am I being neurotic? What could go wrong?

Any tips on how to limit plugin rights, or at least limit the extent if something “goes wrong”.