How to best track visually central banks interest rates, and inflation?

Hi all,

I am trying (more for the general understanding of markets / general culture) to find a good way to monitor basic KPIs such as inflation and interest rate set by the central banks.

For financial markets I use tradingview, I find it great as I can for example multiply VT with currency pair USDCHF, and allows me visually very quickly to see the history and current situation (not trying to predict future…).

Is there any way to track interest rates of the main central banks? For example with short-term bonds, or other type of bonds? If yes, how to find the thicker / the right references?

Any other reference / website / tool were I could check inflation and interest rates in one graph? Would be interesting to see the historical actions of central banks vs. inflation.

Sorry if he question is to simple, trying to make progress and I’m stuck after a bit of research.


I would go to the following. Not sure if it is what you are looking for

The Economist markets & data
FT markets data