How long does it take to be taxed in Vaud this year?


I was one of those who do it in Sepember :clown_face: but we all grow and improve with age, and for once, I filled my tax form fairly early, on March 31st :partying_face:

I’m wondering how long does it take to receive the décision de taxation ?

Thank you!


It depends on the office. There are multiple offices in each region in Vaud.
Then it depends of the complexity of your tax declaration.
So between one month to 10 months, I would say

Or more

Office d’impôt des districts de la Riviera - Pays-d’Enhaut et Lavaux - Oron.

Rather simple but including a DA-1 claim.

Next year :clown_face:

Just kidding. When I lived in Vaud, my taxation was ready between July and August when filled up before the 15th of March.

Thank you. It doesn’t pay to be on time :roll_eyes:

I used to be super late in a very punctual country, and to get taxed in a matter of weeks. I guess I won’t have access to the VIP lane anymore :unamused:

In my case (also Vaud), I still haven’t received the 2022 decision from the tax office.


The same for me…I’ve sent it some time in Feb last year. But I had to include around 50 invoices for our house renovation project and if all done well, they should pay me back full tax… So I’m waiting very impatiently…