Health check-up abroad

For me, health is a top priority and I was thinking of doing a full check-up (including MRI).
In Switzerland, only private clinics offer this type of check-up, for around 5k to 10k. (It’s quite hard to get quotes, money is taboo in healthcare…). Also, my supplementary insurance would pay only 500.-

I have found an offer abroad in Poland for around 1900.- (excluding travel and accommodation) with the following tests:
Full-body MRI, extensive blood tests, hormonal tests, urine examination, ECG, cardiology consultation, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, Chest X-ray and Thyroid ultrasound

Do have any recommendations of countries or clinics abroad which could also offer this type of service?
Any thoughts on my idea?

  • Cancer
  • Tumor
  • A lot of things

Even if you do it only once, it improves the likelihood to detect issues early.
Ideally, this type of check-up should be done each 1-2 years.



I wonder if it makes sense to run a MRI without knowing what you’re looking for. Does it ?
Many of he exams you’re listing can be taken in charge by the Lamal or the canton (like coloscopy) after a given age

How old are you?

Wouldn’t it be better to invest into good health habits and a good way of life ?


I have recently seen a YT video of an American lady praising the full check-up in Istanbul, Turkye. Took her a day, everything was explained in English and - including flight & hotel - it cost less than in the USA.


Most of the time cancer is detected when you start to have pain. It’s often too late. You could detect some issue with MRI.
It’s like when you to an x-ray at the dentist. You can detect a tooth decay before having pain.

Honestly, i think only colonoscopy will be reimbursed by Lamal and only for people after 50. Otherwise, check-ups are no reimbursed by Lamal.


Yes obviously, I’m already doing that.

A new post on MRI has been posted on reddit exactly on this topic (the post is not from me)


Interesting. A full day package for USD 810 at this clinic. Of course, such Youtubes should considered with a big grain of salt. There is not much information on the clinic’s website. But still, potential for deeper investigation.

I’ve heard second-hand of people going to Thailand for check-ups. Bangkok is famous for their top class hospitals.

The first answer from the radiologist answers my own question about the interest of running an MRI without knowing what you’re looking for.
With an MRI you can find anything and everything, aka probably not a lot of things interesting without having a clue about what you want to observe and confirm/exclude

These check-ups look like pretty commercial offers. Health is a big business, fear is a big lever. Stress and anxiety are great poisons for your body and mind :hugs:
Meditation, sun, smiles, (real) friends are free. And it’s well known that a excellent social life is a great advantage for any kind of healing and recovery. Being well and belovely surrounded

I’m not doctor of course but I just want to tell you that tumors will probably raise everyday, if not every minutes, in your body and be treated silently and efficiently by your immune system


40000 baht are ~ 1000chf

This place is “expensive” and famous.

Thanks, very helpful! They have much more information on their page than the clinic in Istanbul.