The largest e-commerce company in Latin America, MercadoLibre just added #Bitcoin to its balance sheet.
“As part of our treasury strategy this quarter we purchased $7.8 million in bitcoin, a digital asset that we are disclosing within our indefinite-lived intangible assets.”
I guess they were not fan of the hyperinflation in their country.
I’m not buying it one bit: fossil fuels consuption for Bitcoin mining was already a big issue when Elon decided to get Tesla into Bitcoin, yet, Bitcoin prices are falling. I’ll never get what gets into the head of crypto traders (as opposed to true believers, which I can understand, though not for Bitcoin itself).
My theory is they needed something to pump their earnings and Bitcoin looked cool for that. Now they’re betting it won’t suffice, so are dropping it, only to pump up some other crypto which they’ll then try to ride for a bit.
Another option is that Elon has faced more backlash than he’d liked for getting his EV company into a fossil fuel consuming business, so he is now correcting the course.
That there are people to take Elon or Cathie Wood’s official communication at face value is making me sick.
This seems pretty clearly the reason to me. If you are a Tesla investor you are investing in a green future (at a hefty premium) and should rightfully be pissed off if the company engages in such environmentally costly mediums.
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