Full 2nd pillar payout, move to an EU country, practical experience

Hi all

Just wondering if anyone had any practical experience with the withdrawal of the full 2nd pillar for moving to an EU country (and stopped working before retirement age).

Please note that I am not working anymore and living of passive income (therefore no social security contribution needed in my new EU country).

What I was mainly wondering is if the process is smooth or the authorithies in CH are normally difficult with such requests. Does anyone had any similar experience: became self-employed in EU and / or stopped permantly working before retirement age in a EU country and managed to succesfully withdraw the full second pillar?

Thanks in advance

You will not be able to withdraw 100% of your 2nd pillar if you move to a EU country.

Depends on the country and the situation (whether there is a compulsory insurance).

edit: https://sfbvg.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/sfbvg/SF.6_VS_Ausreise/SF-F6-05PT-MB-FR.pdf

Si vous n’êtes pas assujetti(e) à l’assurance obligatoire au Portugal, votre institution
de prévoyance peut, pour autant que les conditions soient remplies, vous verser votre
prestation de libre passage en espèces

(example of Portugal)


how would you be exempted of social insurance at 40yo in portugal?

Not quite sure, I don’t know the Portuguese system enough, iirc some people mentioned in the forum said it is possible though.

In some EU country just not being employed/not on unemployment means you have no old age/disability coverage.