Filing Taxes in Geneva - a couple of questions

Hi everyone, I have a few questions I need some help with please.

I have added screenshots of the ICTax site and the tax platform in Geneva.

1.The 3 last fields of the last table of ICTax:

  • am i mapping then correctly ?

  • the fact that there is an amount in field 3 means that I got dividends from some of the companies in the ETF? And these were withheld in Ireland ? And these I cannot recover, right ?

  1. Where do I enter the amount of cash sitting in my broker but haven’t invested? Should I just add another entry similar to a bank account? The options I have are:
  • compte bancaire ou postale
  • action ou part sociale
  • obligation
  • produit dérivé
  • fonds de placement
  • créance et prêt
  • gain de jeu d’argent
  • relevé fiscal papier
  • participation qualifiée
  • placement fiduciaire et compte à terme

  1. I use another broker for trading US stocks individually. Do I have to add every transaction by company or just those that payed dividends? I have bought and sold about 10 different stocks a few times each… should I add it one by one??

Thank you in advance.

I would recommand to use “relevé fiscal papier”. You can report your portfolio all in one (including cash and securities). Easier and faster.

Field n° 3 is only for income subject to Swiss withholding tax, which isn’t the case with your Irish ETF.

I would use a second “relevé fiscal papier”. One for each broker.

You’ll have to enclose a broker’s statement showing the value of your portfolio at year end, income received (gross + foreign withholding taxes), fees paid.



Field 2. Yes.

They were reinvested at the fund’s level.

Taxes on dividends were withheld before they have reached the fund and they are not recoverable.


You are right but I think you can’t do it with accumulating funds, because you don’t see dividends, but still have to declare them. So, funds entry for IE funds, summary of the trading account for US securities.

I would determine the taxable amount using ICTax and report the figure in the cantonal tax app under “relevé fiscal” as income not subject to Swiss withholding tax.

I won’t provide the trades details unless requested by the tax authorities.


Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.

Thank you very much.

Thank you. I will take a look at the statements they provide and probably come back with a few questions though…

I took a look at the option Relevé Fiscal Papier and I have a few questions:
Looking at the new image I attached, if it’s not too hard I would appreciate some help.

1 - "numero du dépôt " - I don’t know what this is. I can’t find a 7 digit number on my broker account. I would guess this is in case you trade with a bank…?
The only thing I can make out of this is:

  • add my un_realized equity as fortune - number 4.
  • add dividends to number 3.

Regarding imputations, pretty much all i traded were US equities but not only… I am also talking extremely low amounts, so I don’t think it’s worth dealing with this.

I would appreciate some help if its not too hard. If it’s a bit more exoteric than a few tips can handle please let me know and I will seek professional help.
Thank you.

  1. It’s your account/portfolio number. Letters are accepted. If you don’t have any, just input a serie of zeros.

  2. Gross income subject to Swiss withholding taxes (including accumulating income from funds)

  3. Gross income not subject to Swiss withholding taxes (including accumulating income from funds)

  4. Value of your portfolio in CHF at Dec 31

  5. Only applicable if US securities are held with a Swiss bank

  6. Check the box if you want to fill in a DA-1.
    Input the gross income for which you request the DA1 + valuation in CHF at Dec 31 of the same securities + amount of foreign taxes you claim back (as per the double tax treaties) with a minimum amount of CHF 100.


Merci Guillaume for your time. I really appreciate it. I own you a beer at least!


If you had many buy operations for an accumulating fund then in ICTax how can one get the total dividend amount? Change multiple times the start / end periods and number of shares per period?

The accumulation is once a year. For the taxable income calculation, just multiply the income by the shares held at the accumulation date.



I moved recently to Geneva and I have to do my tax declaration via e-demarches online system.

After reading previous posts I think that declaring my investment account as a “Releve Fiscale Papier” is the easiest and still correct way.

Assuming a Degiro statement like this:

The total wealth can be easily estimated in CHF.

The hard part/my question: For the Accumulating ETFs, I am planning to use the ICTax website
Example below:

I started 2024 with some shares of this ETF and then I bought 12 more times in 2024. How to make sure the total dividend estimation is correct for 2024?

For example, owning X shares from 01.01.2024 vs owning 2*X makes a difference since internally received dividends should be doubled. I hope it makes sense what i am describing.

Maybe a way is to use the ICTax system and first put the shares I had before 01.01.2024 to get the first sum of dividends (by setting as purchase date eg 30.12.2023). Then I could simulate all my buy orders (by changing the purchase date) to add up the dividend from the newly purchased shares during 2024.

Any help would be appreciated!

Well, it’s written there. All you need to declare is amount of shares that you held on 30.06 multiplied by the deemed income per share, rightmost number.

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Hi thanks. So regardless of adding shares during the year, I still have to simply put in the “relève fiscale” declaration page the totoal number of shares of the ETF I was holding on 31.12.2024 and then the value I get from ICtax system (rightmost number)?

And I guess exactly the same holds for the US stocks I have.

My only concern is that if for example I added 100 shares on November 2024 (which let’s say it’s after the ex dividend date) then these 100 shares did not “generate” dividend income. But if I simply declare all holdings on 31.12.24 then these will be included.

That’s correct.

If the withholding tax on the US dividends is > CHF 100 in total, fill in a DA1. If < CHF 100, just report the net dividends received

That’s irrelevant for accumulation funds/ETF when the taxable income is determined once a year. See our responses above on how to compute the taxable income.

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So is it 30.6., or is it end of the year ? Either way, picking a date seems to scream “possibility for tax optimisation/evasion” to me.
Anyone has the source?

For income of accumulated funds you should follow the date and data from ictax.

Number of shares to determine the income: date of deemed dividend, wealth: end of year value. Yes, there is some tax optimization potential, but it only concerns new contributions, I would say. Moving money between different funds within a year to avoid (real or deemed) distributions would be a tax avoidance, though.