FatFIRE in Switzerland?

Virtually every country in the Americas (except Canada and maybe Chile), yes.
Asia and Oceania though? Don’t think so.

Median and mean annual wages in the state of California are between 60k and 70k USD. The vast majority of the population has no engineering job any kind.

You are of course free to solely on the Bay Area, various engineering jobs and your occupational peer group in general, and make generalisations pretending the rest of the job market and population doesn’t exist.

Yes, median and mean American is poor, can’t handle a few hundred dollar unexpected bill without going broke, and other news at 11.

I wonder how long can California stay an attractive destination for high earners, with the democrats having monopoly on ruling.

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Considering that the densely populated - and extremely high-earning (Silicon Valley) - San Francisco Bay Area counties of San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Alameda voted overwhelmingly (73-85%) Democratic in the last presidential and gubernatorial elections, I have little doubt that California will not cease to attract high earners anytime soon.


Also to give some perspective about the US salary, the individual median income in the US is $40’100**.
Top 10%: 116’250
Top 5%: 158’330

Well, like I said, an average american is poor. Stats are not surprising

But it’s still the land of opportunity and quite meritocratic society. With the right talents you too can be in the top 1%, generational wealth not required.

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They also invented a sport with many breaks just to be able to put commercial on every breaks.


This guy started the same troll on Englishforum. Atleast I hope it’s the same guy, otherwise there are two of them…


I just saw a couple of videos and they reminded me of your comment.

So Ben Shapiro, Joe Rogan, Graham Stephan are all moving out. Elon Musk is also full of it. Highest taxes in the US, and at the same time terrible crime rate and homelessness. They’re doing something wrong in there.


I was in San Francisco in 2012 with my family (4 days conference + additional few days to sightsee). I remember how my 4.5 years old son was horrified by the homeless guy, who without any reason started to follow him and my wife, shouting and cursing on them etc. - until he got pissed off by a driver horning at him while he tried to cross the street on red light… After that event my son was really scared when we were going out, whenever he saw a homeless-like looking person - there are plenty of them there…