Fat fingers on trading

I did it again. I pressed buy instead of sell. Annoying since there was a spread when I had to sell double to fix it. Only when I sold, I made a typo putting in 300 instead of 380 and had to do second sale for the remaining 80.

Is it just me, or do others make these stupid mistakes?


Oops almost made a triple error. I wanted to sell 380 and only sold 300, so I put through another sale of 80. I assumed I’d made an 8/0 typo.

Only it wasn’t a typo… it was just that 300/380 had been filled. Luckily, I caught it in time and cancelled the 2nd sale of 80.


It’s just you.
You should unistall the broker app from your phone, and do all your trading via desktop PC.
That way no fat fingers, just the fat mouse can occur, but less frequently.


Something making you nervous? Or, on second thought, maybe a tad too relaxed? That’s when I start making stupid mistakes.


I think I’m just rushing to get stuff done.

Maybe you are thinking you are a high frequency trader ……

You should drink less, so you make less mistakes. Or more so won’t care what your stocks do.

But no matter what you’re going to do – you, as aren’t we, are not out there with all the others, enjoying themselves on a Friday night and spending money. Good for us :partying_face::smile:

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Hey, what are you talking about!
I was just wrapping up the performance analysis of my IBKR portfolio vs. various benchmarks across all possible time periods! :man_dancing:
(And concluded I would have been better off if I just did what I did for my parents - buy VT and fuggedaboudit)


I suggest more, so he won’t remember the problem (but then another kind of problem will appear :woozy_face:)

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Yes, I don’t think I ever made an error on the PC software, but maybe that it was so confusing I always triple checked everything before submitting!

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