long term capital gains marked as Kapitalgewinn and not taxed (nice),
but short term capital gains taxed as ordinary income.
Do you know if this is correct? Is the distinction between short and long term cap gains specified in tax law, or maybe it’s just incorrect data in ICTax?
talking about KMLM - could you claim US withholding tax back? Not sure if Tax autorities will bark when you want to claim something back from then; but you don’t pay tax on the distribution as such.
Is there some website or data provider that specifies accurate data for each distribution? Here I can only do guesswork which one was income, which one short term cap gains?
I may have found the reason (thanks chat gpt plus data analyst)
It said that intransparent products have to be fully taxed. So it might be that cta isnt fully transparent in what kind of options/futures it trades and the amounts? And only the transaprent capital gains part is therefore tax free.
I know that KMLM is 100% transparent in what they do and it is tax free, as you would assume.
So I asked the source itself and got this response:
Die Publikation ist korrekt. Short Term Capital Gains sind steuerpflichtig, nur Long Term Capital Gains gelten als Kapitalgewinn.
Q Ausschüttung mit Quellensteuerabzug (steuerpflichtig)
Z kurzfristiger Kapitalgewinn ohne Quellensteuerabzug (steuerpflichtig)
KG langfristiger Kapitalgewinn (steuerfrei)
I still can’t find any actual distinction in those circulars etc but I guess it might be just a “taxation convention”.
I don’t know where ictadmin get the data, I have also seen in the past misallign data.
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