ETF domicile Ireland, what's the loss?

Hello everyone,

Some topics here lately have alluded to choosing the right ETFs.
Can you explain to me - or point me to a comprehensible website -, what I’m loosing out on holding ETFs domiciled in Ireland at an EU brokerage? Distributing and accumulating if relevant.
I also receive some dividends from individual shares (US and EU).
Is there something I can/should do to get back withholding taxes if staying at my current broker?

The question in a nutshell: What are the best ways / tax implications to choose and hold ETFs and individual shares in Switzerland?

Thanks so much in advance!

My understanding is that what you’re losing out on IE ETFs is the ability to claw back the US dividend withholding tax, and higher TERs, ultimately leading to a higher overall expense of about 0.2%.


With the recent launches of European global ETFs with low TER, not really anymore. It’s getting more and more difficult to figure out which ETF is cheaper taking, for example, income from security lending into account. So basically it boils down to US withholding tax.


This might help


Thanks a lot!