Eating cheaply - Meal plans, where and what to buy

I was more talking about proper shapes of pasta. You cannot do spaghetti, penne, fusilli exc without a proper pasta machine with bronze shapes, let it dry exc.
I have a standard recipe with semola, white flour, eggs and egg yolk, pretty simple

Opportunity cost, if you can do your own pasta in 2h but you can buy it for 5 CHF and instead work for these 2h you probably earn more by buying the pasta over making it yourself.


2h for making pasta? Did you ever make pasta yourself? :slight_smile:

It takes us max. 5 min to make the dough and another 5-10 min to form them, depending on the shape. Also it’s an experience that has a high emotional value for me and my wife.

Also this opportunity cost argument only holds for self employed persons, a “normal” employed person can’t just work more hours and earn more.


Agreed, but to be honest, I don’t care about the shape :slight_smile:

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Well except for Spaetzli, nope.

Arguably you could learn/read something that leads to increased income in the future.

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like making homemade pasta and brig it to friends instead of buying wine?

But i think we are getting of topic here, lets not derail this thread, shall we?

if we are talking italian, other cheap recipe is Polenta, if you buy the good one eg from Ticino, and then a nice dedicated cupper pan with motor to cook for 1 hour+:

you do it once, you eat with lentils/ratatouille or meat if you are not vegetarian, then the day after you fried with butter and lots of cheese and do “polenta cunscia” in dialect of Ticino. Unbelievably good


I like Polenta but I buy the one that is ready in 2 Minutes