Direkte Bundessteuer als Schulden abziehen... and other debts

Hey there

First year really looking to minimize my taxes as much as possible. This site has lots of information: Steuerabzüge: So sparst du mit den besten Abzügen und Pauschalen bei den Steuern - Smolio.

I’m wondering about the tipp “Direkte Bundessteuer als Schulden abziehen”: In march 2021 I got a bill from the “Kantonales Steueramt” titled “Direkte Bundessteuer 2020”. They’re saying that I should declare that bill as debt. Is that right?

Also there’s other debts: Can I declare the outstanding “debt” that I had on my credit card at the end of the year that I didn’t yet pay? Can I even declare the internet bill I had at the end of the year?

I had to chuckle at this: “Einige Kantone (z.B. Bern) akzeptieren bei Glutenunverträglichkeit eine Zöliakie-Pauschale von 2’500 Franken ohne Kostennachweis.” Not gonna try it, but I wonder if they would want you to prove it.

Yes, I did that once and they accepted it. Also the bundestax should work and I suppose any other outstanding tax that you (guess) owe to the tax office (like the ~30K extra bill I got now for 2018, I suppose I could have put it down as debt in 2019 and 2020 - not sure about deducting the interests from the income though).

What about this: “Bonus-Tip: in den meisten Kantonen darfst du die am Ende des Steuerjahrs geschuldeten, aber noch nicht bezahlten Steuern ebenfalls als Schulden abziehen.”

If I understand this correctly, since I got my 2019 tax in mid 2020, I can add the 2019 tax to my 2020 tax return as debt. Is that right?

Or do they mean the 2020 tax?

Kantonal tax is typically owed in the fall of the same year. Federal tax on the next year, so I think it only works for federal tax or if you have a negative balance (and only for that part) for the canton+city.

I wish I could deduct a 30k federal tax bill. This corresponds to a taxable income of >300k, not bad.

You can only deduct it from your taxable wealth and not from your taxable income, so the impact might be minimal.

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