Dark mode for the forum?

Thanks! Will check this soonish

@capito27 @MrCheese done :slight_smile:
You can now select “Dark” theme as “your” theme by updating your settings here: https://forum.mustachianpost.com/my/preferences/interface



(Not the right thread for it, but I think close enough)

@_MP since this morning I see some additional text on the top “skip to main content” and the categories button is broken. Anyone else experiences this? I see this both in desktop Chrome and iOS Safari.


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Additionally, when I click on a thread, it sends me up to the first post. Until now, the forum conveniently displayed the new posts whenever I clicked on a thread (iOS as well)

Same behaviour here.

 same thing here. Will investigate in the upcoming days. I think it’s since the latest beta update od Discourse.

Thanks! We are using beta versions in “production”? Is it common practice for Discourse? :slight_smile:

It seems to work again as usual!

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And Tesla :rofl:


It’s fixed, thanks for the heads up :slight_smile:

As for beta, answer here: Is Discourse always in "beta"? - #4 by justin - faq - Discourse Meta
In short: yes, it’s common practice, and not meaning unstable.