Currency hedging

Maybe what I posted over in the 2024 outlook thread is better suited here, because when we’re already in the business of splitting the world into multiple region ETFs, it becomes trivial to currency-hedge specific markets.

To recap: currency hedging is universally seen as not worth it for long term stock investements. But I’ve found two articles for the Swiss investor that are not completely opposed to it:

Improve your long-term returns with currency hedging – True Wealth
TLDR: hedging reduces volatility so it’s good for risk-averse investors. Also because the loser loses less than the winner when hedging (?), it makes sense to hedge 50% of the portfolio

End of zero interest rates: Check hedging foreign currency investments now! – ZKB
TLDR: hedging makes sense when interest rate difference is lower than 1%, so fully hedge investments in EUR and JPY.

The second article makes more sense to me, so basically one would put together a world portfolio with EMU hedged to EUR and Japan hedged to JPY, and then add the other regions without hedging?