Crypto Exchange fees : quick comparison

As far as I know you can’t have fiat in the exchange, so you have to buy crypto in the app, correct? Or just using USDT?

You have a fiat wallet in crypto which i topped using a Revolut KK.

The crypto visa can be topped using fiat wallet, crypto wallet or creditcard (revolut)

Edit: Wrong sorry… Fiat wallet can only be topped using a bank account, which you can also do from Revolut.

To topup the card yes… but then, to buy crypto/exchange, what’s the best move to avoid fees?

Kraken I just can’t send the wire with their weird reference number finishing by, I always have an error, trying with Neon or Revolut…

Tried to do a comparison for buying ETH / BTC, sharing with you guys if interested. :slight_smile:


  • Revolut 0.5% is calculated after 1250.- CHF
  • For Kraken Pro, the higher 0.26% taker fee is applied
  • For Crypto[.]com, the process is buying usdc in app and then using the exchange

Out of curiosity: the list you shared is for actual transactions you made? Or is it theoretical values?
Just wondering how you calculated the different BTC/ETH amounts so specifically, if not for doing a transaction.

You mention withdraw fee as well. Is it actually the fee you paid when buying? If I remember correctly, Kraken (normal, not pro - didn’t even know there’s a pro version) has 0.3 maker/taker fee. For Binance, I’m using BNB for trading fees, which is usually cheaper.

List is not from actual transactions. Prices are real, directly from the trading (you don’t need an account for that). And the fees are theoretical, Binance has 0.1% fees and Kraken has 0.16% / 0.26% according to their website.

Just found an error in my own Excel sheet: only had one digit for percentage, and therefore it showed 0.3% instead of 0.26%. Double-checked my transactions on Kraken, and indeed it’s 0.26% fee when you buy.

What I don’t understand is your column “Final BTC/ETH Amount”. Are you including the withdrawal fee in the calculation as well? Otherwise Binance should be better than Kraken when you buy BTC. The BTC price was higher at Binance, and the fee is 0.1% (compared to 0.26%). Although it’s sometimes tricky to really get the same prices for a comparison, because it changes within seconds.

What makes it more complicated is the three different base currencies (USD, EUR, CHF). I usually add the forex rates as well when I perform a transaction (EURUSD, EURCHF, CHFUSD), so that I have one base currency to compare the price for BTC/ETH. Then it’s easier to see if the BTC price on is higher than on Binance or Kraken.

Still great that you did a comparison!

Yes, my goal is to have them in a cold wallet, so that’s important to me.

I just had 4 tabs open and then took a screenshot. ^^

Makes sense, I’m just a little bit lazy :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks :slight_smile: