Coronavirus: when do we reach the bottom of the dip?

Is this becoming a market timing thread?


Checkout Bogleheads. The forum of reason and wisdom. A lot of market timing posts, lol. People are going crazy and throwing their strategies out of the window.


Look, I’m not planning to sell anything. I just wish I haven’t bought. Treat it as a way of coping. I will cry about it on the forum, hear some words of comfort, and this will help me to deal with it.


Becoming? This was always a market timing thread, look at the title!

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Totally agree. The forum is also for periodic venting and finding solace.
Like all decision on life, you can either be too early, early, late or too late. Just right time is for God and those momentarily blessed by God. I too put in > 100K in last 15 days. I was too quick to buy, won’t be too quick to sell. All in equities and no plans to sell anything.


Yes indeed, I should have said “chronicles of market timing”.

I hope I didn’t offend you, and from your reply it seems no offence has been taken, thanks!
I meant that if one is “Starting” his FIRE journey today they should be happy for what’s happening - I’m only talking about the financial aspects of course.

About me: I’m the guy who’s retiring the day before the 1929 crisis, we’ll be remembered as the first recorded exception of the 4% rule :smiley:


Yeah, market timing FTW. I just bought XGLF @ 12.03 EUR (Friday close was 13.67)

No worries, you didn’t offend me :slight_smile:

Don’t see the glass half empty already. In the end, it’s only money, and you will be fine (no matter what happens) :slight_smile:


I’ll be rebalancing some of my TLT back to stocks today, I think it is going to rebounce the next days before it will continue to go further down.

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assuming you bought TLT in jan, i would say CONGRATS :slight_smile:

if you now rebalance at the right time, you will make probably the best trade of your life.

Fed funds futures pricing in additional 75bps cut for 18 March & 73% chance going down to 0 (Bogleheads).

Where will this end? No interest ever again? SNB going down to -1.50%?

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The US rates have been already real negative most of the time since 2002, so it just a step further in the liquidity trap
 Cannot wait for the giant market rescue package :wink: !

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-7% opening for SP500. Trading halted.


Impressive, all this red. But to put things in perspective, at 24000 the Dow is still 34% above the level it had when candidate Trump called the stock market a “big fat ugly bubble”

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Right, and if you look at the last 20 years for MSCI World, it’s still quite high.

A virtuoso of market timing like me says that prices will still go down a bit.

It is so bad that moved Italy outside europe


It seems that South Korea is able to reduce the reproduction number to below 1.

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I’m in the same boat, I keep creating lower and lower buy orders and they keep getting executed. (edit: there goes another one!) I can’t tell if it’s good or not anymore. I may have a market timing problem

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This happened not due to virus, but due to the crude oil war within OPEC+ (OPEC+Russia). Russia and Saudis said they can live with crude oil at $30 level, so they increased the production (and lowered the price), and by this they want to bankrupt the oil fracking projects in US (which make it more and more energy independent from OPEC). This started a downslide that may push it even lower than $30. The short-term effect will be a stimulus to the industry consuming oil, but the medium- and long-term effect will be financial problems to oil producers and banks that finance them. So yeah, interesting times - two black swans within a single year.

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