how would you convert a million CHF to USD to invest it in a number of ETFs (multi-currency account being held at Swissquote)?
a) directly buy the ETFs
b) convert CHF to USD first
c) same as b) but contact SQ for best possible rate
d) transfer CHF to a low-rates broker, convert, transfer back
e) some other way
and yes, it’s just about the currency conversion, i know there are lower-cost brokers
For 1M pass through they definitely won’t be happy if you open an account just for cheap FX conversion.
Edit: if you want to go through a low cost broker like IB (which will prob reduce fees by 3-5k), at least do your ETFs buys there and close/transfer the positions after some time (eg 6 months)
No, there is no need for that. Any broker that is an IRS qualified intermediary is equally tax efficient. Swissquote included. Swiss brokers have to withhold an additional 15% of gross dividends on behalf of Switzerland. However, you get a credit for that after filing your taxes, of course (and independent of your tax rate).
Negligible as a one-time cost, when you invest in ETFs anyway.
When your ETF yields an average of 6% and you’re out of the market for an additional 1% of a year (3.5 days) due to the delay in external currency conversion, you’re already looking at an additional opportunity cost of 0.01 * 0.06 * CHF 1’000’000 = 600 CHF. Before taxes. Theoretically.
And if you don’t already have a low-cost brokerage account (say at IBKR) in good standing and with substantial turnover, I am wondering how smooth the plan of
open new account
transfer in
immediately transfer out again
…is going to work on a whole million of Francs. On a newly opened account.
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