Change to IBKR / Performance question

Hi Folks,

I’m not sure what to do. Atm I have around 30k in Saxo (Ishare MSCI World) but i don’t if I should change to IBRK. You all talk about the VT ETF but when I compare the charts of both ETF’s in the last year Ishare did 32% and VT only 19%. So is it worth to change because of the fees and taxes when the performance of the ETF is worse?

Maybe someone did some math :smiley: Maybe I did make a mistake in thinking.

They invest in different universes.

What are the things that VT invests in that URTH (if that’s the ETF) doesn’t? (I think URTH is missing emerging markets and small caps)

Once you figured out the difference you need to have a thesis why it will outperform in the long term (not just over one year, equity is volatile).

The time horizon is too short. This type of ETF is not designed to evaluate performance over a single year but to deliver results over a longer period. Moreover, comparing performance alone is not sufficient, as fees play a crucial role in the long term.
For instance, VT has an expense ratio of 0.07%, while URTH is at 0.24%—more than three times higher, which can have a significant impact on long-term compounded returns.

Okey, so if you would be in my position you would sell all at saxo and do the change to ibkr? I already have an account there.

You don’t have to. If you are okay with ongoing costs at saxo, why don’t just leave this position to be and start building up a new one at IB? You can reevaluate later, and there are chances that in 5-10 yesrs you will start thinking about broker diversification.


Switching positions all the time is not good

Just start new positions at IBKR and only costs you will incur at Saxo would be custody fees and that’s it. As far as I know it’s capped at 10 CHF per month max or 0.2% per annum

To add what others have written:

In which currency is the msci world traded? If in €, then your displayed return is boosted due to USD apreciation over the € that happened recently. VT is traded in USD, so it will not show that, as it is already displayed in USD.
Same for CHF in the last year.
Your real return is not affected by this.

The difference between msci world and and all country world/ftse all world (like VT), should not be this big. They are still relatively close and have like 80% overlap.

The main difference between VT and an msci world is that VT also includes smaller companies and emerging markets. Emerging markets is the main difference and accounts for about 10% of VT‘s holdings.

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