Career shift / Working in finance

Hi there,

So, a bit on me. I have been doing research in physics for about 10 years now (I am not including my 3 years PhD work in those 10 years) and for various reasons, I have been thinking and planning about a career change for quite some time already. Due to my background and personal interest, I believe that finance might be a good fit and most likely something involving data analysis/numerical modelling etc. so maybe around something quantitative analysis although I also have some personal interests in equity analysis as well.

So now that you have the context, here is the reason why I am posting this message. Although I have researched quite a bit of information while thinking about this change, I have not been able to discuss as much as I would have liked with people actually working in the field to get enough point of views and advices. Therefore, if someone here either work or knows someone working in this area, I would be quite happy to discuss with you via private messages!


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