Capital preservation

Where do you put your money to preserve capital and if possible grow safely?

I’m not willing to put more into the stock market given the current conditions. USD assets seem at risk of reduced earnings power.

Apart from cash, gold, CHF bonds what other safe-ish assets are there?

I think if you want to maintain liquidity and avoid drawdowns, then only options are

Fixed deposits
Medium term notes
CHF govt bonds / high rating CHF bonds

Preferably cash only (distributed in 100k chunks), sometimes fixed deposits (with assessment of counter party risk). If you hold liquidity back because you don’t trust the USD, putting it in bonds seems ill advised.

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I think I might look into diversifying some equity component to UK investment trusts as they currently are discounted.

  • e.g. Smithson Investment Trust
  • Also CGT.L as they seem to have a large proportion in indexed bonds

There are also diversifiers, but these are basically black boxes but maybe I’ll look into:


Don’t you feel your posts are kind of repetitive?

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Is there a difference between topic investing for pessimists and this one?

As I am about to post this I see @Dr.PI 's most recent update which appears to express the same feeling.

I was thinking the same thing in the end. Maybe I need to take a break from the forum!