as per title I haven’t touched my bunch of credit cards in a while (I prefer using debit cards, especially when dealing with FX conversions).
I might keep 1 card around for emergencies (or get another one depending on the current offers), but I wonder how I can cancel them in a quick and cheap way: I do not want to pay for customer service nor registered mail.
Those are my cards:
Cashback (Swisscard)
Certo! (Cembra)
Supercard (Topcard)
On this forum I’ ve only found one topic on this subject, but unfortunately the linked documents are not available anymore.
Any input is welcome.
The simplest way is to send an email or contact support via the app, stating your intention to close your bank account and all related card services. Include your card number, account number (if applicable), and card type. This is usually sufficient for most banks and has worked well for me in the past.
If email or app support isn’t an option, you can send a letter with the same information to the bank’s postal address, typically found on your monthly statements. You can also use generic cancellation forms if needed, as they are generally suitable for any credit card.
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