Buy The Dip! 50% off!

Interesting. I just saw a Twitter post saying that Russia has banned foreign holders of Russian stock to sell their shares. I googled it:

But when I open, it says something different:

I guess someone has misinterpreted something and it has already been corrected? I can’t see how Russia could enforce this ban. The trades are made by online brokers, it’s often not known who is the customer executing the trades. So they could just close Russian stock exchange to freeze any trades?

If anyone has been waiting to apply investible cash it might be wiser to set limit orders on stocks or funds you would be happy to own for the long term vs. buying Russian stocks on knee jerk

In 2008 crash I thought I was smart buying bank stocks on discount but I did not yet recover my initial stake. In the meantime the overall market has gone up 300-400%.

Consider that if sanctions work as intended there is a good chance these Russian stocks might go bankrupt


That’s quite the ballsy move. How did you assess the risk-reward ratio on this one (especially the reward, and the probability of bankruptcy or no bankruptcy)?

Sberbank Europe is already failing, and given that the EU and most Western countries have frozen the Russian Central Bank’s foreign reserves, I would expect that, if this war was going to last more than a few weeks, the Russian Central Bank would not be able to provide foreign currencies to Russian banks subjected to a bankrun because depositors want to get back their foreign currency deposits. That would mean that most Russian banks would fail, including Sberbank.

More details in this excellent article.


Russians stock market already went to 0 in the past. Might happen again.

Absolutely. As I said above, I had my eyes on the two stocks for quite a while (having previously owned TCS and sold for more than 100% gain)

Sberbank is government-owned. Can’t go tits up.

The bank run and failure of their EU subsidiaries was to be expected (at least on Friday, and IMO priced in).

Anyone buying RSX now?

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I think there are much better spots for your hard earned cash: EXCLUSIVE MSCI says removing Russia from indexes "natural next step" | Reuters


Side note:

Does the anyone censor our internet? Or are there Ukrainian (Anonymous?) hackers at work.
I’ve been literally unable to access or, and doesn’t work properly.

Then again, the stock lost 73% today.
Can’t win everyday, I guess. :woman_shrugging:t2:

:gem: :raised_hands:t2:


EPAM - which had a mental growth from Mar 2020 - has had quite a run today…

Huge numbers of workers in those 3 countries
Belarus - 13808
Ukraine - 12443
Russia - 6049

Not a Russian stock, just very exposed because of workforce.
But if they manage to relocate and get back to speed soon, maybe a good buying op.
It’s (was) a strong business.
But huge effects on all the clients they work for now in the short term.

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Mail just in (two minutes ago) from IBKR:

Update on MOEX (Russian Market) Accessibility

  • MOEX will remain closed on 28 Feb 2022.
  • All MOEX products will be available only for closing (position reducing) transactions.
  • Non-residents of Russia are blocked from selling securities on MOEX per Central Bank of Russia regulation.

And yes, you did read and “compute the logic” for the last two correctly. :point_up:t2:

:gem: hand(cuff)s indeed


Did I mention I have these in my portfolio too? :clown_face:

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Me (did) too, grabbed them at Covid trough and went up 300%, so I slowly trimmed out of it. :sweat_smile:

Anonymous boasts of having taken down several Russian institutional websites.


Well, 73% is less than 75%, so you’re still winning :smiley:

(Yeah, I know, consider it a basic Turing Test)

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5 posts were split to a new topic: [COFFEE] Goal of work/investing: personal gain or added value?

Told you

So this is what we can call “a falling knife” right ?

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Last warning for idiots that are still on this sinking ship:

hope everyone reacted in time: