I’m looking for the best option in Switzerland (banks or fintech apps like Yuh) to park my CHF cash and earn a higher interest rate without locking it into a fixed-term deposit, as I may need access to the funds at any time. It’s 50k for the moment and can increase to 100k during the year
I recently noticed that UBS savings accounts now offer higher interest rates than Yuh. ( 0.25%)
Definitely. When we hit 0% SNB rate, a mmf will cost you the TER, while the bank account at least is not minus return.
And at 0.25% a mmf will yield you 0.15% tops. And considering transaction costs, might as well be zero at that point also.
Thank you! I am confused though as I was asking for options within traditional deposit and savings accounts, but everyone (except Balaclava) was talking about different investments
Thank you. Is Zak sparen considered a safe place? I have never heard about it yet
Yes it is an offering from bank cler which belongs to the cantonal bank BLKB + its covered up to 100k by esisuisse.
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