Best Place to Park 50k CHF in Cash for Higher Interest Without Fixed-Term Deposit?

I’m looking for the best option in Switzerland (banks or fintech apps like Yuh) to park my CHF cash and earn a higher interest rate without locking it into a fixed-term deposit, as I may need access to the funds at any time. It’s 50k for the moment and can increase to 100k during the year

I recently noticed that UBS savings accounts now offer higher interest rates than Yuh. ( 0.25%)

Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Side question: Does anyone know if UBS calculates and accrues interest daily or monthly?

MMFs are yielding 0.5% ish

(But we’re getting close to the point where just cash in bank is the best liquid option)

(Non liquid option, prepaying taxes is pretty advantageous at the moment)


Zak sparen, 0.75% and you can deduct 50k without any notice and more with 3 months notice period.

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Definitely. When we hit 0% SNB rate, a mmf will cost you the TER, while the bank account at least is not minus return.
And at 0.25% a mmf will yield you 0.15% tops. And considering transaction costs, might as well be zero at that point also.

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As soon as rate goes down to 0.25% , MMF should be sold

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Thank you! I am confused though as I was asking for options within traditional deposit and savings accounts, but everyone (except Balaclava) was talking about different investments :sweat_smile:

Thank you. Is Zak sparen considered a safe place? I have never heard about it yet :smiling_face:

Yes it is an offering from bank cler which belongs to the cantonal bank BLKB + its covered up to 100k by esisuisse.