Automated toll services for Driving on Highways in Europe - Comfort for 2 Euros?

Does anyone use highway automated toll services when traveling in Europe? 🛜

I was looking at some services like Fulli or Ulys or Bip&Go that allow you to order an electronic toll badge, place it in your car and have a smoother trip, aka without toll stops. These 3 I just mentioned are for highways in France, Italy and options to Spain, and Portugal. There are probably others?

Does anyone want to share experiences?
They seem all very similar… Is there any of these services that stand out?

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I use bip&go. Works perfectly.
Tried in italy, france, spain, portugal.
Can recommend it.


I’m using fully (formerly mango) since 4 years without any issues.
You pay the monthly fee only in the months of actual usage.

Drawback is that they accept only Sepa Direct Debit in EUR.
For me is working fine with a swiss bank.
Depending on the country you get the bill 1 month after the usage.


Just ordered fulli for my month in France, rn seem to have better offer.

Basically free for France, except startup fee of 5€. Free delivery, (10€ @ bit&go)


lol ACS scams you 29 chf for what exactely?? nothing! just go to and order there…

its a classic. tcs does similar with the German emission sticker.

but thx for the hint with fulli


At the website it says free for France during the first 12 months… but does it mean that after that period one needs to pay 1,7 per month?

Maybe I’m reading it wrong… Spain/Portugal 0 euros per month when not used. For France it only says management fees free during the first 12 months.

Looking at the ACS offer, it’s only while using it. (But potentially there is a non-usage fee, if not used within 12 months or so… I read it somewhere, but couldn’t find it again. Just couple of EUR… easy)

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That’s APRR’s Fulli, correct?

The language regarding the monthly fees for France is very confusing. All that I can say: I have their badge since more than 5 years (which is why I still call it APRR) and have never had a monthly fee for France when I have not used the autoroute in France. In fact, I use it mostly in Italy and almost never in France.

Yes, it’s Fulli from APRR.

I contacted them by email and via their social network, where they were quicker and more responsive.

Although the text regarding the monthly fees for France is (indeed) confusing, the customer service wrote back to say that the monthly fee for France is applied only in the months that you use the badge (at your first monthly passage at any French paid motorway gate). It confirms what @achpl just said.

As for the differences between the Nomade (FR/ESP/POR) and the Nomade+ (FR/ESP/POR/ITA), they are related to the e-badge/tool technology.

To be compatible with Italian “tool technology”, the badge Nomade+ is slightly more thicker than the badge for the Nomade subscription. This difference is also the reason behind the activation fee (currently offer at 4.5 euros instead of 15 euros for the nomade+ and 0 euros for the nomade).

All the fees are directly debited from any SEPA bank account (fyi: Revolut worked).

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Thanks for bringing this topic up. I have received now my Nomad+ fully and will test it next week in Italy. Still a little bit worried that it will not work but let’s find out :crossed_fingers:


I also ordered mine last week. The delivery date was originally July 14, but I received an email with an earlier delivery date, which is good news.

In the form, they ask for the car’s license plate as a backup method for billing in case there’s any malfunction with the e-badge.

Safe drive!

I received mine fulli nomade + today. It took 11 days.
I received my client number a week ago, and I tried to log in to the client area (via forgot password as advised) but I always get an error when changing the password. Error message: An internal server error has occurred. I tried few days ago, and again today, on two browsers with different networks and with mobile, always the same.
Well, I wrote them and waiting for answer.
I suppose I need this client area to somehow setup the payment method.

I also got mine today… earlier than announced.

As I understood, the payment is via SEPA/Direct debit that’s why you’re asked to enter the IBAN during the registration process. There’s also an email about the payment process. Afterwards there is a first debit of 1€ to verify the bank account (under “Aprr”).

I can’t remember that step. I’m pretty sure I haven’t entered it yet. I remember clicking somewhere on AMEX promo or image, but can’t find it anymore on the website. Will it be paid by the AMEX instead of SEPA? (which would be ok for my poinz)

PS. no account has 1€ deducted up until now…

Yes. Precisely in that step of the registration. IBAN or AMEX (the IBAN blank field was on top of the AMEX logo and you needed to chose amex logo or enter the IBAN number. In my case, I went with my Revolut’s IBAN.) If you went with amex option, then the process is probably slightly different.

…the contact via email takes around 2-3 days for a first reply…

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They called me, I could register my new account. Apparently they had some issues. Very friendly and helpful, took 1 week for a reply, tough. I suppose, if you need a quicker response, you should call.

Yes. AMEX is setup for payment. There hasn’t been any verification of 1€, probably because I paid the order with the same card.