They say they do portfolio analysis with AI?
Don’t know this software, but my favorite portfolio tracker software ([Portfolio Performance( launched a mobile version recently, which covers my needs.
I don’t see how AI would help for your portfolio currently.
I also use Portfolio Performance.
And I also don’t see what AI would tell me about my portfolio.
But maybe someone could enlighten me.
Smells like using the current fad as a marketting tool. If drunk monkeys were all the hype instead of AI, they’d be selling portfolio analysis with drunken monkeys.
I’d stay clear of them.
Edit: also, social trading is bullshit. Most people don’t beat the market consistently, why would you want to see and compare your porftoflio with thousands of other average joes’ ones?
Should I move this discussion to
Although I agree, it is rather bullshit (= useless), and not an outright scam, but so are many real estate investment and other offers that we have seen. Again, on the other hand, here you only pay a fee, not invest.
- Yes
- No
And this is where I am going to draw the line. Of course there are tons of useless stuff, but as long as one is not asked to invest, the considerations are different.
Unless, of course, there was a platform that let you copy-trade politicians:
getquin is a fancy and visually very appealing portfolio tracker with the integration of social network.
I tried it including the free trial, but decided against it:
- too expensive (even the regularly special offers)
- too much social network stuff I don’t want
- AI analysis wasn’t a big eye opener
I also realized that checking your portfolio several times a day doesn’t help anyone
I am using the free version of getquin, does not include any AI stuff which I do not need anyway. I am quite happy with it, nice portfolio tracker with intraday price updates. I am also using portfolio performance and I am very happy with it also, but the intraday updates seem less frequent and require manual user refresh.
Why do you need intraday refresh in your portfolio tracking app?
Well you don’t need it, it’s a toy. If you buy and hold a single ETF like VT, you can even argue that you do not need a portfolio tracking tool in the first instance
I’d argue that checking your portfolio too often, especially intraday, often leads to suboptimal performance due to excessive trading.
I don’t have a buy and hold portfolio, but even if I hady there would still be pillar 2, pillar 3, cash, maybe some property as well. Always good to have an overview of your asset allocation to adjust when needed.
Actually there is: (never used myself but I’m tented)
For those who’d rather use (high TER) ETFs: NANC and KRUZ: NANC and KRUZ ETFs
Well that would be correct if you take actions based on the fluctuations you see… but smart long-term investors, whose strategy is to buy-and-hold no matter what, know that this is not an intelligent approach For me, such tracking tools serve two purposes: 1) decide on long-term strategies (e.g. rebalancing if the exposure to a specific country or sector is too high) and 2) enjoy watching how your portfolio grows over time
So it is exactly as Sunnyberny said: We actually do not need this kind of tools, but it is rather a toy to enjoy
Thanks for pointing this out Burningstone! I was not aware they had launched a mobile version. This is great! I also use Portfolio Performance in addition to parqet and getquin, but for me the major drawback of PP is that you have to enter the taxology of your securities yourself and this can be very time consuming and error prone. For me, having the taxonomies is a major advantage of parqet and getquin as it allows me to check how I am exposed to specific countries and sectors. How do you deal with this in PP? Is there any way to add the taxonomies of an ETF automatically? It seems like there are Python scripts that apparently allow to generate the taxonomies automatically, but that seems to cumbersome to me, even me like programming
I do it manually and update it maybe once or twice a year. But I only have a handful of securities in my portfolio.
How many securities do you have that this is such an effort for you? Also for individual securities there’s rarely any change of taxonomies and for funds I think once a year is sufficient as the exposure normally doesn’t change drastically within a year, especially passive index funds.
You are right, maybe the effort is not that big after all… At the moment I have 14 securities, so it should be doable and as you rightly point out, an update once, max. twice a year should be more than enough. I will give it a try! Thanks a lot!