Advice on portfolio for beginners

Thanks a lot for the encouraging words!

If I follow correctly the logic, by looking at all my investments (considering VIAC 3rd pillar and TrueWealth), I’m already overweighting there Swiss stocks that are included in my VIAC 3a and TW automated portfolio.

This probably means that it makes even less sense to further overweight Swiss stocks in my current DIY portfolio in De Giro.

In my De Giro portfolio, I would then probably stick to investing exclusively in the Vanguard All World fund, and probably only consider the Swiss Stocks when, at some point, I will liquidate my “expensive” roboadvisor profile and transfer that capital into the De Giro account.

This seems to be a strong and well-motivated argument against having gold in the portfolio in my case. I will need to dig into the details of this topic and learn more about it.

Thanks for all the valuable advice!

You have to compare MSCI ACWI and FTSE World to get the indices right.

Would love to understand the details about their 37% “Festverzinsliche Anleihen” > Bonds CHF&FW and about their expiration dates… how do you roll-over those with the current minus % and trying to keep your performance in the plus?

The goals of pensions funds are different from those of individual investors. They need to be able meet their withdrawal cash flows first of all - now and for the foreseeable future. Maximizing returns is of secondary importance. Maybe they have a large aging / retired clientele and need those 37% in bonds, unlike you

Also another constraint they have is legal - BVG/BVV prescribe allocation maximums, e.g. they can’t invest >50% in stocks even if they wanted to


The question is: what do you want to achieve and what is your time horizon. I wouldnt say that there is anything wrong adding bonds to your portfolio, especially if you have no experience with stocks or market crashes and already have a certain amount of money and a certain age. There are certain periods in history when bonds outperformed stocks.