I don’t have any data except for my own. If you want to look at some more, have a look over
here in the introduction thread.
Now to what you can expect for expenses:
I’m a student and I consider myself to be very frugal, even for being a student on a limited budget. I live with my girlfriend in Zurich Oerlikon in a small flat. My expenses for one person (!) are:
- 650.-/month for rent, water and power
- 100.-/month for public transport (no car, but i have halbtax, the local year-round ticket and travel to family quite often)
- around 350.-/month for insurances
- about 250.-/month for (vegetarian) food + household expenses (if you eat everything home-made you should be able to go to 200/month quite easily. It’s probably not too hard to go even lower.
And that’s the big ones (at least for me). Here’s what you also should consider:
- Taxes. depends heavily on where exactly you live.
- Just for fun expenses. We have a monthly budget of 50.-/month/person and are happy with that. Are you?
- Car. Do you need/want one? I have no clue how expensive that is.
- Serafe/Billag. Mandatory 365.-/year/household bill.
- Childcare. Is very expensive.
- Pillar 3a. Do you want that?
- Move to switzerland expenses. Over the long term not that important, but make sure you have no cashflow problems.
That’s most I think. Good luck!