1 man GmbH and 2nd pillar (1e) makes sense?


I’m getting a recommendation from my tax advisor to switch from single self-employed (no 2nd pillar, just maxed out 3a - 20% of net income) to a GmbH because according to him due to high salary I could invest into 1e plan (2nd pillar) which allows 100% stocks ownership.

Any solo entrepreneurs with a GmbH have experience with this? Sounds like a good deal. I also don’t need my salaried income, so I’m happy to dump it all into a WELL PERFORMING 1e and 3a.

What am I missing?

You can get a pillar 2 solution, with or without 1e, while self-employed. There might be good other reasons for a GmbH, but it’s not required for a 2nd pillar.

Maybe this is something to consider, FinanzFabio has created a 2nd pillar solution for micro companies (1-5 people I believe), together with Profond:

according to the comments this solution does not exist anymore

Damn, that was quick.