wiLLBe banking app

wiLLBe has just updated their rates based on the SNB decision:

Totaleinlage EUR USD CHF
bis 50’000 3.55% 4.75% 1.10%
bis 150’000 3.25% 4.45% 0.80%
ab 150’000 0.25% 0.25% 0.25%

My Alpian account has not reacted yet but I assume it’s just a matter of time.


I am considering using WiLLBe to temporarily park my CHF/EUR/USD cash, with the need of moving them out on investment need basis (IBRK). The matter was discussed above but I did not fully understand the answer: the impossibility of transferring funds from wiLLBe to IBRK is confirmed? Any experience on this?

And what about using Revolut as account? If I look at the account details for both CHF EUR and USD Revolut accounts, I see that I am the account holder.
Are there any fees in eventually moving in & out from Revolut (Premium)?

Any other idea on how to transfer especially EUR and USD?
Thanks a lot

I don’t know how to do a nice table like @conquestador did, but wiLLbe has updated their interest rates again after the rate cut by SNB (as expected). They now pay 0.35% for the first 50k, and 0.05% for the next 100k, equaling a blended rate of 0.20% for the insured 100k.

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