Thoughts about Hedgefundie's adventure? Leveraged risk parity strategies

I was reading about some additional ways to amplify returns and wanted to share with the community.

  1. Wisdom Tree Efficient Core ETFs (90% stock and 10% bond 6x = aggregated 1.5x leverage
  2. HCM Defender 100 Index ETF and other from Howard Capital management. They have various funds. Bottom line they use a proprietary methodology (HCM BuyLine) when to buy a stock or sector
  3. risk parity ETF
    3a) TYA Simplify Risk Parity Treasury ETF (basically playing with yield curve / duration)
    3b) latest one to be introduced that looks very interesting. RPAR Ultra Risk Parity ETF (UPAR), which is designed to provide leverage of 160%-to-180% to a risk balanced portfolio across four major asset classes (25% equities; 25% TIPS; 25% commodities; 25% treasuries) - link to fact sheet