Tax declaration

It means you’re using a swiss broker (and would trigger the extra US withholding).


I am trying the same this year.
But curious - what do you intend to put under “Valoren Nr.” and “Stückzahl”, as they are compulsory to fill in?
(Since it’s the IBKR “summary”, maybe put the account number and 1. :grin:)

Edit: Or I guess one should use “Steuerverzeichnis Wertschriften (summarisch)” category?
That seems to be the right option.

Another topic: Which item would one select for the cryptocurrencies?
Seems that BS Tax software is not up to date yet to offer it, so I assume another summarized item it is.

In Geneva, we have an option called “Relevés fiscaux” (=Steuerauszug/Steuerverzeichnis) in the Etat des titres section (=Wertschriften- und Guthaben- verzeichnis).

It allows you to report the value at year end of the portfolio, as well as the total income received (split possible between Swiss or foreign sources, subject or not to foreign tax withholding/DA-1).

I named the portfolio as per my crypto broker (Bitcoin Suisse for me) and report the valuation at year end.

I do the same for my investments portfolio. I limit the reporting to the value at year end + total dividends received.

It has worked perfectly fine for years and made my life easier.

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I give up. I just can’t get it done.

I don’t understand how you can include DA-1 in EasyTax for Aargau. Anyone here living in AG? It’s stated that it’s included in the program, but there is no DA-1 form generated at the end. Nowhere it’s stated how much you can refund.

if someone want to start being a scribe, i will finally put up a g##mn wiki. We all ask the same questions again and again (me as well, really)


@anon90991199 maybe?
He seems to have resorted to filling it up manually in the end:

A wiki would be nice indeed but there’re so many canton-specific details that it’s going to be difficult to maintain. I’d happily contribute for NE if you put up a structure.

Happy to contribute for Geneva

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Happy for Bern. But just started so next year will be my experience :wink:

I’m trying to figure out how to fill this in with the Geneva online declaration for my ETF portfolio. I’m not sure if we’re supposed to list each ETF as a “Action ou part sociale”, listing all the operations and dividends, or as a single “Relevé fiscal papier” for the entire Interactive Brokers account.

The second is certainly the easiest, I take it that’s what you do, @Guillaume_GVA? What document do you attach as justification, something that includes all the transactions? I also have no idea how to fill in the DA-1 form bits, it’s all really confusing…

Yes, we really need that wiki! Preferably something for total idiots, like “grab this number from the IB report, copy it in this form here”.

Vaud tax payer here: Just did the “Relevés fiscaux” trick with my declaration (first time I had to declare a US trading account). I’ve put the overall valuation of the portfolio as of 31.12, the aggregate gross amount of my dividends and the total of US federal tax paid during the year (all in CHF). As for the justification, they asked for a Tax Statement from my broker. Since I didn’t receive a proper one, I’ve just attached the Account Statement from december 2020 + the 1042-S I got for tax year 2020. Hope it’ll work!

Regarding cryptocurrencies, I just report the aggregate valuation of my crypto holdings under the Wealth part - code 410 “Numéraire, billets de banque, or, métaux précieux, crypto-monnaies”. So you basically write down the number and that’s it. They never asked questions…until now. Will see if they will react to the increase caused by the current bull market.

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It is what I do.

Having a Swiss broker, I enclose a Swiss tax statement.

If not available, a portfolio valuation on Dec 31 + listing of all dividends/interests/other income (showing Swiss/foreign tax at source) + debit/credit/negative interests + fees (if any are deductible, if not, don’t bother).

When I was with Degiro, I used the annual statement provided (year end valuation + transactions list showing my income).

Hope this help

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Actually I mean I am not detailing when I opened / closed the position, I will list all shares individually (I have around 5 ETF and just some individual stocks).

Interactive Broker has no brokerage fees right? (or at least not above 100k USD) I can’t see anything in my report

Correct but the 0.3% pauschal means you can deduct it regardless if you actually paid anything.

do you know the german term so that I can look into Baltax? even if I am not sure if I can do it, from an official paper of the Kanton it looks like in BS you should anyway bring evidence that you pay those fees.

Other question. Do you list donations (like the famous 500 chf to beggars at SBB?) how do you describe it? it looks like I have to insert the name of an association officially recognized…

So these were exactly my thoughts and why I asked my question with regards to difference between BS and ZH before.

My understanding is that:

  • ZH allows you to actually use the pauschal amount (no matter whether you incurred these costs or not), while
  • BS allows you to not present proof of any costs up to this amount but the 0.3% is not a pauschal per se and cannot be assumed in the same manner as in ZH

Has anybody residing in BS actually submitted the return using the 0.3% pauschal?

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You either list the monthly fees of IB (10 chf month) and for example your bank (5chf month with Postfinance) OR you just apply the 0,3% value of your securities.

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Doesn’t seem so for Basel (Stadt), as far as I read.
They stated clearly that only what can be proven incurred will be deducted. :frowning:

Last year I listed 120 CHF for IB, and 120 CHF for UBS (which was not really justified as no investments there) - but got accepted.
Perhaps they don’t care for my puny amounts.

You did this in BS and it went through?

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Same here.

+1 on question to @agenda if you’ve done it in BS and got accepted

According to the guidelines, the ZH Tax office accepts donations up to CHF 300.00 without evidence.

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