Share your net worth progression

Any idea how I should track my real estate in Bosnia? Bought 530 m2 and 430 m2 for 9k and 7k in summer 2021, so 16k in total. Location is great.

Many houses are being build there right now. They have a skiresort where millions are invested, it’s really thriving.

I was thinking about increasing the total value by 100.- per month (linearly). That’s 7.5% in the first year, 7.0% in he 2nd year…4.3% in the 11th year and so on. Would that be reasonable? Or should I just keep it at 16k?

I’d keep it as is until I get a data point (e.g. someone in the area sells the land/house for X).
Then backprop linearly or however you want.


I would keep it as it is until proven otherwise by the market, then backdrop as @dbu also suggested.


2021 net worth (not tracking before last year)

Liquidités 466 153 43%
Actions 309 463 29%
Obligations 235 727 22%
Immobilier 60 600 6%
TOTAL 1 071 943 100%

Cash is mainly from inheritance.
My big question now is what to do with this cash ?

Invest it in ETF with a DCA strategy ? Or use it to purchase a house ? Or a small appartment in order to rent it and have a monthly income ?

An other option could also be to invest it in a monthly dividend ETF ?

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For some reason I was dreading to update this chart. I’m still glad I did it today. I will have a conversation with a bank about buying a home and I thought data like this might come in handy.

Caveats: Cryptos are not displayed in the chart because their value is less than 1% of my total assets but they are included in the individual bullet points below.

  • Total NW EoY 2021:CHF 455’892
  • YoY Growth (cash + investments + 2nd pillar): CHF 77’745

The year started with a bang in equities with some GME gains as displayed by the upwards derivative of the orange line. Cumulative Rate of Returns (TWR) for my two biggest brokerage accounts were 36% and 26%. The start of 2022 does not look as promising.


~30k 2nd pillar per year?

A large amount relative to your other savings. Howcome so high?

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Plus CHF 211k in 2021, mostly thanks to a good year for stocks, which now account for 41% of net worth.


What’s the other 1.2 M? 2nd pillar and cash?

Yes, and one apartment.

Yes, about 35k 2nd pillar in 2021. I have a generous employer who matches my mandatory 2nd pillar contribution 2:1. They also add an extra lump sum every year as part of ”profit sharing”.


Hi, here is my first modest contribution to the forum.
I have started working as a software developer in middle of Year 2017 and start tracking my net worth (excluding 2nd pillar) in September 2020 :

edit: bought a leisure vehicle in beginning of 2021


My update:

I continued selling my cryptos according to the plan + I capped it to 1 million max. I bought a house and started renting out the other apartment. The increase is mostly due to crypto gains and market gains. What a year !
I have a private pension fund, no 2nd pillar, which only gives a pension no lump sum. It is therefore not represented here.
My FI number is between 2.5 and 3 millions but I have always excluded crypto from this number.


I don’t get why so many people leave the 2nd pillar out of the NW TBH.


In my case it’s a pain to look it up.
But it matters I agree

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Even then, it’s still a value greater than 0 and an income stream one can, with relative certainty, rely on at retirement age, in practice allowing to use a higher withdrawal rate in early retirement years.

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According to this logic, you should not count your investments either … they are not secured and large parts of that money could be lost.


Yes I think AHV should be somehow accounted for. I do not because I am most likely planning to leave the country though.

Personnaly I don’t count it in because I do not have control over it.

So for me it will come as a bonus once going to become independent or leave Switzerland, but until then no point of tracking it since I do can’t make any decisions about it.