Share your net worth progression

I actually had and will have a 5 years mortgage, I just renegotiated it one year early. And yes going from 0.94% to 0.69% does save me around 8.5k CHF over the next 5 years.


This thread is the one I’m the most excited about and always read the new messages. I don’t know why really. Maybe because there is so much data and time in such charts. Anyway, it’s now my turn to share my Net Worth progression, finally!

First, the progression of 2020 with the asset allocation categorisation:

Some explanations here:

  • Yes I have to much cash, I know
  • I accounted my 3rd pillar into the bonds category because it was a contract with an insurance (that I got rid of last month). Starting now, it’s invested in stocks and will be accounted as such
  • I crossed the 200k threshold recently, ooooh yeah!

And I also dug into my old bank statements and computed my net worth over the years starting in 2002. Here you go:

I had a negative net worth in 2015, and then started really earning money, repaying my student loan and saving. We clearly see when I started working ahah. Zero to 200k in 5 years, oh yeah!
For those interested, I analysed everything in detail (in French) in this article.


Started investing in May 2020. I bought Bitcoins (or better said Satoshis) worth CHF 1000 and sold in November for CHF 1750. January was great with Gamestop. In February I got back in Crypto and started investing in ETFs as well. This month I surpassed the 200k border thanks to a crypto gem (it’s actually a shitcoin which I turned from $500 to $70k).

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This is amazing - I would love to learn more about the process of finding the opportunity and where to buy it. Putting let’s say 500 CHF in 10 shitcoins can be a good strategy for early retirement :D.

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It could go up alot but it could also turn out to be worthless.
I was heavily invested during the 2017-18 bullrun. Made alot of profit but stayed in altcoins during the bearmarket afterwards.
Most of the coins I still have from back then are pretty much worthless compared to what they were worth.

Only 1 out of those is worth more now (measured in BTC). I got in during their ICO. It’s now worth 55x in USD and around 8x in BTC.

Overall I would have more money now if I simply stayed in BTC.


I find those coins on r/CryptoMoonShots. There were already several coins which mooned. But look out for scamcoins and always do your own DD.

I found the one that I sold for a 70k profit there as well. But I regret that I sold. Just four days later it would be a profit of 360k :frowning:

Now I invested 1k in BEPRO. The market cap is currently at 14M (no new coins issued this year) and there’s still a lot of potential. But keep in mind it’s still high risk, high reward. If you like to have a look:


Thanks for the tip where you find potential opportunities. But where you actually buy them? Kucoin?

Just try to focus on this pair of numbers: 500 → 70k, not 70k to 360k. You still did pretty well :D.

it depends. especially new projects are not yet listed on a regular exchange. then you buy them via Uniswap (but be aware, gas fees are insane atm). but I bought BEPRO via KuCoin, for example. KuCoin has a lot of small cap coins in generall.

sure, it’s a lot and I’m young and ahead of the “game” by a lot but it still sucks haha

we probably should stop with the off-topic. I’m not sure if it’s possible to send pms. otherwise ask in the thread that I opened a few days ago if you have any questions :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot for the info. You are right about off-topic, I haven’t realised that our exchange is in this one :). Sorry for that, but I hope that the information provided will help everybody to accelerate our NW progression :D.

Maybe next time, try to just sell 50% of your position and try to sold the other 50% higher. If it drops, you would have still earned something :slight_smile:

Thanks for leaving the crypto discussion to another place. This topic should focus mainly on pure net worth progressions.

I will make an update as soon as I cross the 100k mark, which will be around July. A couple of months earlier than expected :smiley:


As explained in my post, I really like this thread. So I wanted to make more sense of the numbers available here and plotted them :slight_smile:

Everything in the same chart is blurry so I distinguished 3 categories of NW, split them with the NW of 2020, and here they are:

  1. NW bigger than 2M in 2020
  2. NW between 400k and 2M in 2020
  3. NW lower than 400k

Category 1:

NW progession 2017-2020 (x 2M)(1)

Category 2:

Category 3:

Note: some numbers are estimations extracted from your charts, it may vary a bit from the reality, sorry for that. Contact me if something is wrong, I’ll change it.

I find it nice to see the numbers like this, what do you think ? And it can maybe create “competition” between similar NW in the future. I mean competition in the good way, like a gamified NW evolution. :sunny:


The number is really small, and will probably get down a bit end of the month as I have a big chunk of cash that need to get out, but it’s a first milestone for me… I just passed 50k NW! :slight_smile:

Only 2.950M to go to FIRE :joy: At this rate I should be OK to retire at 89 years old…

Edit : damn, a couple minutes earlier and I would have been in the global chart, even at the really bottom :smiley:


I agree, looks cool these graphs.

We also didn’t establish a mutual understanding of NW, some include 2nd Pillar, some don’t (e.g. me)

Yup, but I need at least two years to add you to the chart (I can update it). I have 50.1k for end of 2020, but do you know the NW at the end of 2019? If yes, I add you. And congrats for the 50k! :clap:

True. But it’s hard to standardize the process for everyone. Except if everyone follows MP’s way of doing!

End of 2019 was around 17k at most… damn I wasted so much money lol…
Thank you :slight_smile:

Great, you’re in the chart now @Zurtan

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The good news is that the first 50K are much harder to accumulate than the second 50k, if you invest the money reasonably.


IMHO it would be more interesting to plot the net wealth divided by annual expenses.
It would normalize away distortions like

  • the necessary sum depends on how many people rely on it (one, two or, for a while, a few more…)
  • single vs. double income
  • present and future location

With CHF’s it’s comparing apples to oranges, the personal situations are too different.

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is that capital gains & dividend (before/after taxes)? It‘d be interesting in general to see what came out of capital gain / interest and what from adding capital.