Road bicycle by Decathlon...or others

HS 8712.00
No import duty, only TVA 8.1%

Many things from decathlon are even cheaper in germany than in france

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I have seen many in tutti. Actually bikes of around 5000-10000 Chf are sold almost new at 1000-2000 CHF. Even if they seems to be pretty good value for price, It is out of the budget I was expecting
too many reach guys in Switzerland and almost no one selling bikes in the lower price range :frowning:

Any one knows when the older season new bikes are sold in the shop? I expect that the bikes form last year’s are then sold cheaper when the new collection (sometime only colour changes
) Will arrive. Any news if and when this happens?

Another option is to go for hybrid bikes with flat handle bars. You can find these in the €600 range. Once you lose the drop bar premium, the prices become much more reasonable. and have also some discounted bikes now and then.

also keep an alert on facebook marketplace. bargains do come up now and then. you might snag a $4k bike for only $700.

When buying a bike second hand, always ask for a copy of the invoice to prove it was not a stolen bike.
If one day the police stopped you, you won’t be charged.
A Too good to be true deal may hide something else.

Some bike also have a code engraved in French cantons (BicyCode).

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Thanks for the hint. I will definitely ask in case

Carbon or aluminium frame?

What is better? Which Ione is getting older first?

I found a carbon bicycle second hand, but I am worry to get bad surprises (eventually only due to the fact I do not know it

Carbon is better for a road bike for recreational use- lighter, stiffer, more comfortable.

Downside: more expensive and brittle if you have a really big impact. Inspect the frame carefully if buying 2nd hand

Aluminium might be better if you are looking for a bomb-proof workhorse for day to day commuting


Thanks for the hint. What should I inspect? Which are normally the critical points? Any easy quality control method that could be easily carried out when purchasing a bicycle? Normally you have few minutes to take a decision and it would be good to know the hot spots you should inspect first and more carefully.

Do you have any checklist that may help?

Thanks in advance

I would say where the seat post and steerer are clamped. Google is your friend

Personally I would not worry excessively and a visual check is probably enough. In Switzerland I think it is more likely you have an overpaid 40+ guy selling a perfectly good bike they bought in a mid-life crisis and rarely used, vs. someone trying to shift damaged goods :slight_smile:

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I would recommend something like this: Cube Attain GTC SLX, Grösse 58 kaufen in ZĂŒrich - Velomarkt
It’s the best value you can get for CHF 2’500, which comes a with carbon frame, electronic gear shifting and disk breaks.