Realistic job offer, or scam?

A lot of freelancing positions are specialized, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to compare the rate of different positions. A developer can make 1.5-2 times if he knows a specific technology or software. Same for a business analyst/project manager.


How can you be considered for a 6 month contract while being employed in the 100k per year job? Are they willing to wait for the usual 3 month notice period? I am in a very similar position with similar salary, but most freelance jobs list a starting date something like next month or end date in 6-7 months. Do you have a chance to apply for those freelance jobs if you have notice period? I thought the only way is to bite the bullet and quit without having found anything else, just to be available to start on short notice.

And isn‘t it a no brainer for OP financially? Even if we consider the equivalent annualized salary after the employer‘s deductions for pension and AHV is 150k, and even if the contract is not extended they will get 70% or 80% of that from RAV since it‘s based on last 6 month income, at least 105k for up to two years. Even that is higher than current salary. And in that period it should be possible to find another 100k job at worst case. So the only disadvantage of that 6 month contract is the hassle to potentially need to apply for jobs every few months, right?

There is generally no unemployment insurance if you’re self-employed. There are exceptions but certainly not the way you describe it. You can’t get a contract for 6 months, then get unemployment payments for a few months and then another contract for 6 months. That’s one reason why the contracting rate needs to be higher than hourly salary. You need to cover the time without projects/customers yourself.

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