My Raiffeisen waives fees for members (you have to buy 1 share for 200.-) if they use their account for their salary (1’195.- min) or have a mortgage or 20k of retirement assets with them.
They also seem to waive debit card fees but I’m not sure I’m understanding this right as they also state a 50.- fee for Visa Debit / Debit Mastercard. I’ll have to ask them on this one. If they do waive it, then their conditions are becoming better this year than they were before, under certain conditions.
They also now have new savings accounts with either 91 or 180 days of notice before any withdrawal, with better interests (0.75% and 1% respectively). Not that it is awfully attractive, but it’s now there.
It’s the pdf that has me confused, though it’s mostly that I can’t believe it and that they just put asterisks everywhere which do make things a bit confusing. Reading it correctly, fulfilling the conditions, the debit card is free. Seeing as most other Raiffeisens are adding unavoidable fees, I want to see it happen before really believing it (it’s not too good to be true since there are banks with actual 0 fees but it seems too good for Raiffeisen in the context of the adjustments they are making in most branches this year).
They all have the same text, they just move around the tiny numbers
You should read the italian one…
Il prezzo base comprende la tassa annuale per una carta di debito per ogni titolare del conto. Se si richiedono carte di debito aggiuntive per ogni titolare del conto, (non) verrà addebitato un supplemento (di CHF 4.00 al mese). Per ottenere ulteriori informazioni, rivolgersi alla propria Banca.
[…] if you require additional cards, it will (not) be charged a supplement (of 4chf monthly).
I don’t like that the conditions are getting worse esch year:
-fees for account without regular payment
-the ski offers went from 50% to 40%. And Now only 3 stations are offered for the Wallis.
-Fees to deposit coin, before it was free
And in the meantime, others banks like ZKB and neobanks offer really attractive conditions.
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