Not another VT stat: my results

It took me a while to write that silly title.
Anyway here is a table I have in my google sheets that I sometimes watch to keep cool or to dream, depending on the mood :slight_smile:


It’s a simple table where I put VT prices I paid during a year and compare it to end-of-year prices from when I bought it to now.
For example I bought VT at 73,64 during 2018 and until 2024 I got 8.68% per year.
All calculated in USD. I should probably do the same in CHF.

I thought I share it for those ppl that don’t believe anonymous chart on internet. Here is another anonymous source for you all :slight_smile:

Edit: I should have updated the price on 2024 since now it’s 115.5


Looks satisfying :wink:
Very intuitive way to visualize that even your 2021 investments were by now a good bet.

I guess this is the average during the year? So the approximation is that you bought them all in that year at the same time for the same price? Not a critique, just try to understand the numbers.

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I DCA once per month, sometime twice (market timing blabla). It’s a good-enough approximation, even the yearly price is usually what I got from yahoo’s graph at the end of the years.
It is not meant to calculate how much I have, it’s merely to show how (VT’s) market works and that apparently (for now) the 7% rule stands correct.
I actually encourage everyone to do something like that, at least for the main ETF.


Very nice. Slow and steady wins the race!