Monthly or quarterly purchases of SMI ETFs

Yes, I consider Lidl in Lottstteten 35 km from Zurich “the area where I live”. Besides I can say that other way round: world is more complex than naive sentimental localism assumes. Without interdependence that global free trades creates, military domination would be much less costly.

Taleb is a very interesting author. Not sure what he means by being socialist to family and friends, I hope he’s not redistributing their property by force and putting the family right-wingers into gulag in his basement.


Funny that no one mentioned, but when you buy SMI or anything else, you are not giving them your money, you just exchange your money with someone else that has the stock you wanted. The companies themselves don’t see a penny.
In case of a stock, the only upside for them is that if the company owns its own stocks, they can sell it to make a bit more money or lend it or anything else that could improve their business.

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