Hi all!
I’m a newcomer to the mustachian world but very motivated to start. I have some cash sleeping on a saving account (CHF ~30k) that I would like to use to start mustachian investment in a simple portofolio made of ETFs for the long term (>= 10 years), probably something similar to a Bogleheads three-fund portfolio.
I am 33 years old swiss citizen and currently living in Switzerland but I am moving to Belgium at the end of the year where I will work and have my official domicile. I plan to stay there a few years and come back to Switzerland, but I don’t really know what will happen for sure. I might stay in Belgium or move to another country for some time before coming back to Switzerland. Ideally, I would like to retire in Switzerland.
I was wondering if you had some advices concerning my situation. I’ve read a lot on this blog and forum, but there is still a lot of parameters I don’t understand very well.
I am hesitating between Corner Trade, Interactive Brokers or going with a Belgian broker (Keytrade?).
CT seems best suited for the amount I want to start with (<100k), but reading this forum, it looks like IB would be better for exchanging CHF to EUR, which might be important.
It is my understanding that I will be taxed in Belgium and not in Switzerland, so I should optimize my ETFs selection based on that. Apparently, non-registered accumulating ETFs domiciled in Ireland are the best solution in this case (https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Investing_from_Belgium).
However, I am wondering if It would be better to keep a swiss bias with swiss ETFs in CHF?
But that may not be ideal tax-wise…
I am a bit reluctant to change all my CHFs in EURs since I would like to eventually come back in Switzerland.
If you have some experience with moving country or just advices regarding my situation, I would be very pleased to hear them!