Interactive Brokers Q&A [2025]

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: IB UK withholds 30% on US ETF Dividends

OK, got it. Will have to go more in-depth at a later time.

I’m surprised I don’t get some kind of PDF or statement automatically when receiving dividends.

What for? You will get a US tax form for the whole year with the total dividend amount indicated.

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Well, I just like to receive a PDF or something for every transaction, dividend payment etc. That’s just what I’m used to with Swiss banks.

I also hold VT in my IBKR account and my base currency is USD for that account. My dividends which were paid recently are in USD and WHT tax deduction is 15%

I think ever since IBKR activated automatic currency conversion, the dividends gets converted to base currency. That’s my assumption.

I hold VWRL in another account with CHF base currency, I will see what happens there on dividend payment date. In March it was still paid in USD but I think this new process was applicable a bit later.

Does IBKR answer quicker when writing them in English?

No, I think values below $5 are converted to base currency automatically in general.

Edit: and it was also like this before the AutoFx was introduced last month.

Not the case for me, I have CHF as base currency and my latest dividends were in USD as usual.

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I always write them in English and have gotten a response within 24 hours most of the time.

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I have CHF as base currency as well, and the USD 19.82 dividends I received yesterday were not converted.

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Same here, base currency CHF, and received USD dividends as usual (VT)


Ok. Good to know.

My last order was not executed on ARCA, but on DARK instead. Did I buy VT from Satan or what does that mean?


It is a dark pool. It means that the broker keep his precious buyers and sellers for himself (or with his partners) and have them make transactions outside of the stock exchange


And is that a good thing? And if not, can I disable it?

You usually get a price improvement compared to lit exchanges.

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It’s beneficial for the broker but not the customer.
It s like optimising trades for the broker.

You’d rather get the best quote from a lit exchange? (the broker is not allowed to provide a worse execution than the best available public quote, so it should be winning for the customer)


Was it spot on 15%? I recently noticed that the deduction was somewhat below this (more like 13.9xx%) and I don’t see why. :man_shrugging:

For me it was, yes, down to the last cent.